We are thrilled to introduce Leah Longueville, the inspirational woman behind Polished Prints

What is your brand?

Polished Prints.

Define your brand in three words. 

Empowering, Meaningful, Ethical.

What about building your brand gives you energy?

There are so many facets of the brand that I love, but I have to say my favorite is the connecting with our community. I love seeing how the brand resonates with so many women in all seasons of life.

Why did you start your brand?

As a new mom, I found it tough to find graphic tees / onesies for my daughter that resonated with us, so I decided to design and print my own. I never intended on it becoming something more than a hobby in the guest bedroom, but quickly I found it clear that other mothers were looking for the same thing. I started selling on Etsy and it organically grew from there!

Where do you see your brand in 5 years?

I would love to see Polished Prints expand into some major retail markets if possible! My goal is to create a more sustainable business so we can grow our team and take on other ventures. Who knows, maybe a storefront someday! 

Learn more at polished-prints.com Follow on Instagram @polishedprints

March 30, 2022 — Christina Weaver